Bouchon Bakery: Swans


A family of cream puff swans! I’ve made these before and loved the process of assembling the different choux components to make these pretty pastry creatures. Dusted with powdered sugar it looks like the splashing/rippling in the water.


A birds-eye view of the swan trio.


As I mentioned in my previous post, the dough for the swans is the same as the one used for the eclairs. The challenge for this recipe is making the bodies proportional to the necks and heads. I had a little trouble getting them just right so I ended up piping a couple of trays of puffs in various sizes and hoped that after baking, some would match up.


Poor frail swan necks! Having the right tip is key for this recipe and clearly mine did not work. I made them work though by piping another stroke on top to strengthen the necks.


Matching up the necks and heads to the bodies before filling with pastry cream and whipped cream. They were really too pretty to eat!

Week 39 of the Bouchon Bakery Book Project

Read the Project recap on Swans

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